If you have been neglectful with your oral health
Then it is more than likely that you have already developed some form of gum condition. These oral issues do not develop overnight, but rather progress in a slow and gradual way. From what seems like a mild case of gingivitis, overtime can become a more severe or serious case of periodontal gum disease. Here at Barrie Heights Family Dentistry your direct billing dentist in Barrie, Dr. Rebeca Riojas-Ozturk and the team will assist you in both maintaining and improving your oral health. Periodontal gum disease is a serious condition that is characterized as an inflammation of the tissue that supports your teeth in your gums. If left untreated, it could lead to potential tooth loss and infection. Therefore it is vital that you practice adequate oral hygiene, brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice daily. In addition, it is essential that you regularly visit your dentist, to ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy and as they should be.
During your dental check up at Barrie Heights Family Dentistry
Your direct billing dentist in Barrie, Dr. Rebeca Riojas-Ozturk will evaluate and diagnose the condition of your teeth and gums. If there is evidence of gingivitis or gum disease, then Dr. Riojas-Ozturk will work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan. If you have a minor or mild case of gingivitis, the treatment plan may be as simple as carefully brushing and flossing your teeth and gums, as well as using a specialized toothpaste that is designed to treat gum disease. However, if you have a more severe case of periodontal gum disease, then a more aggressive treatment may be required. One treatment that your dentist in Barrie can provide is called a curettage procedure, wherein the infected or diseased tissue is extracted from the surrounding tooth. This enables new and healthy tissue to grow, as the source of irritation and inflammation has been removed. Another procedure is called root-planing, which involves removing and polishing the surface of the tooth’s root. Following these procedures your dentist in Barrie will periodically monitor the condition of your teeth and gums. If you are looking for a dentist available evenings in Barrie, then visit us today to learn more.