Gone are the days of fillings made out of metals
Advances in dental technology have paved the way for more innovative and aesthetically pleasing solutions to treating teeth damaged by cavities. Gone are the days when fillings made out of metals and similar materials were primarily used to treat a tooth that is severely affected by cavities or trauma. Today, tooth coloured fillings made of durable resin materials are the preferred option by patients and dentists alike. Not only are they visually appealing, tooth coloured bonded fillings are also an effective option that is able to strengthen your teeth. Your direct billing dentist in Barrie, Dr. Rebeca Riojas-Ozturk and the team at Barrie Heights Family Dentistry, are pleased to provide you with tooth coloured bonded fillings to treat your damaged, cracked, or decayed teeth.

Coloured bonded fillings offer a more natural look as you smile
Tooth coloured bonded fillings offer a more natural look as you smile, while enhancing the stability and durability of your teeth. As the name suggests, these types of fillings are bonded to your teeth, offering a stronger tooth overall. Here at Barrie Heights Family Dentistry your dentist available evenings, Dr. Rebeca Riojas-Ozturk will collaborate with you to develop a custom treatment plan, and determine if bonded fillings are a suitable option for you. If your direct billing dentist in Barrie decides that a tooth coloured bonded filling is an adequate solution to treat your dental issue, then an appointment will be set up to initiate the process.
Bonded fillings often require a single appointment
Making it a convenient option for you. Your direct billing dentist in Barrie will start the process by abrading and etching the surface of the affected tooth by applying a conditioning liquid. Once your tooth has been adequately prepared, your dentist available evenings will mould and shape the tooth-coloured resin material to fit the shape of the affected tooth. An ultraviolet light is then used to harden the material, enabling it to securely bond to your tooth. Once hardened, your direct billing dentist in Barrie will trim and polish the material to match the natural look of your tooth. Contact us today to learn more about bonded fillings.